Weeds can be a nuisance in gardens and lawns, and it can be difficult to get rid of them without using harmful chemicals.
How to kill weeds with vinegar
Fortunately, vinegar is an effective and natural alternative to traditional weed killers. In this blog post, we will explore how to kill weeds with vinegar.
What is Vinegar?
Vinegar is a common household item that is made by fermenting alcohol with acetic acid bacteria. It has a high acidity level, which makes it an effective natural weed killer.
How Does Vinegar Kill Weeds?
Vinegar kills weeds by drying them out. When applied to the leaves of a plant, the acetic acid in the vinegar breaks down the cell membranes, causing the plant to dry out and die.
How to Use Vinegar as a Weed Killer

There are a few different ways to use vinegar to kill weeds. Here are three methods you can try:
- Straight Vinegar Method
- Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar
- Spray the vinegar directly onto the weeds, making sure to cover the entire plant
- Reapply as needed until the weeds are dead
- Vinegar and Dish Soap Method
- Mix one gallon of white vinegar with one cup of dish soap
- Pour the mixture into a spray bottle
- Spray the mixture onto the weeds, making sure to cover the entire plant
- Reapply as needed until the weeds are dead
- Vinegar, Salt, and Dish Soap Method
- Mix one gallon of white vinegar, one cup of salt, and one tablespoon of dish soap
- Pour the mixture into a spray bottle
- Spray the mixture onto the weeds, making sure to cover the entire plant
- Reapply as needed until the weeds are dead
Tips for Using Vinegar as a Weed Killer
- Use vinegar on a sunny day when the temperature is above 70°F for best results.
- Vinegar can kill any plant it comes in contact with, so be careful not to spray it on plants you want to keep.
- For larger areas, consider using a pump sprayer to apply the vinegar solution more efficiently.
- Be patient. It can take a few days for the vinegar to completely kill the weeds.
Does vinegar kill weeds permanently?
Vinegar is a natural and effective weed killer, but its effects on weeds are not permanent. The acetic acid in vinegar is the active ingredient that kills weeds by drawing moisture out of their leaves and stems, causing them to dry out and die. However, vinegar does not penetrate deep into the soil to kill the weed roots, and the weed may regrow if the root system is still intact.
To get the best results with vinegar as a weed killer, it’s important to use it properly. Here are some tips for using vinegar to kill weeds effectively:
- Use the right type of vinegar – White vinegar with 5% acidity is recommended for weed control.
- Apply vinegar on a sunny day – The heat from the sun will help to speed up the drying process of the weed leaves, making it easier for the vinegar to work.
- Apply vinegar directly to the weeds – Avoid spraying vinegar on the surrounding plants or grass as it can harm them.
- Apply multiple treatments – Reapply the vinegar every few days until the weeds are dead.
- Use vinegar with soap – Adding a small amount of dish soap to the vinegar solution can help it to stick to the weed leaves, making it more effective.
In summary, while vinegar can be an effective natural weed killer, it does not kill weeds permanently. Repeated applications are necessary to control the weeds over time.
Vinegar is a safe and effective natural weed killer that can help you get rid of weeds in your garden or lawn without using harmful chemicals. Whether you choose to use straight vinegar or a mixture of vinegar, salt, and dish soap, be sure to follow the tips above to get the best results. Happy gardening!